Case Results

Successfully defending against a criminal charge requires more than just knowing the law—you need an Alpharetta criminal defense lawyer who can fight aggressively on your behalf. At Brian Hansford Law, we know what it takes to obtain the best possible outcome for our clients. Read more about some of the results we’ve secured. Call (678) 647-6444 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation.

  • Case Dismissed Felony Drug Charge & Traffic Offense

    Defendant was arrested and charged with felony drug charge and traffic offense. We were able to have the felony charge dismissed allowing us to resolve the case to the traffic offense in a lower court.

  • Not Guilty Sex Crime

    Defendant was charged with Child Molestation, Sexual Battery and Cruelty to Children. After a week long trial the client was acquitted.

  • Case Dismissed Attempt to Obtain Prescription Drugs

    Defendant was charged with Attempt to Obtain Prescription Drugs by Fraud and Forgery. We were able to have all the charges dismissed prior to indictment.

  • Petition Granted Petition for Removal from the Sex Offender Registry

    We were able to effectively draft a motion for removal and present oral argument resulting in the defendant’s removal from the state sex offender registry.

  • Penalty Reduced Boating Under the Influence

    Defendant was charged the Boating Under the Influence of Alcohol. We were able to have the breath test results suppressed resulting in a reduction in the charge.

  • Not Guilty Driving Under the Influence

    Defendant was charged with Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol after being stopped at a road block. The case proceeded to trial and the defendant was found not guilty.

  • Case Dismissed Family Violence

    Defendant was charged with striking his son. We were able to have the charges dismissed.

  • Case Dismissed Misdemeanor Offense

    Defendant was charged with misdemeanor offense resulting in incarceration. We filed a speedy trial demand and prepared to proceed to trial. Defendant’s charge was dismissed shortly before the trial was scheduled to begin.

  • Extradition Avoided Extradition

    Defendant was being held out of state on a felony probation warrant. We were able to have the defendant released without being extradited back to Georgia and then ultimately the probation terminated early.

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